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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Remix Assignment

I finished my remix assignment this morning, so I just thought I would upload it for you. Included here is my first remix image, second remix image, remix video, and all the sources. There is an explanation under each remix. I hope you enjoy them!

First Remix:

Remix Image

In this image, I have juxtaposed two ideas. On the top of the image, I have shown a combine harvesting a corn field. In the distance you can see a silo. In the second image, I have shown a subdivision that has been developed over the existing farm. In the background you see the silo to understand it is in the same place as the farm. There is a for sale sign to reinforce the idea of development and the growing market of home construction. There is a lady checking her phone and holding a basket of corn, almost rotten. In the gutter, there is a lonely corn cob. This represents the loss of cropland, but the need for it at the same time.

Corn Cobs
Corn Cobs 2

Second Remix:

Remix Image 2

In this remix, I have also juxtaposed ideas, but in a different way from the first remix. The boy is infront of his computer screen, drawing a natural environment, where a beaver has created himself a home(dam) for himself. On the computer screen, you see a landfill with a beaver on top to symbolise the beaver's lost home(dam) and where he must live now. Also amongst the rubbish is the computer screen and harddrive that the boy has at his home. This is to show where his computer will end up afterwards, and how it is effecting the natural environment from which he is drawing.

Kid with Computer
Computer Screen
Hard Drive
Forest (Dam)

Remix Video:

Remix Video

In this video, I have created a short storyline. It begins in a forest, where trees are being cut down and taken away by trucks to a factory. The factory smokestacks then pollute the air. The pollution accumulates in the clouds, and it begins to pour acid rain. The rain collects on the street and continues down a manhole, and through a pipe. The pipe leads out to the lake, where the acid rain and pollution mix with clean water. Then a oil rig in the same lake crashes, causing an oil spill. The spill spreads, and kills many fish. You then see a boater fishing in the lake where the oil spill has happened. He catches a fish, brings it home and grills it, and serves it to his family. The video ends when it zooms out to a view of the Earth. This video shows how much damage manmade objects can cause to the environment, and to us. Lakes are polluted, air is polluted, fish die, and we ingest toxins. The music in the video contradicts with the video to make the viewer aware of just how beautiful the world can be without the harm of manmade objects.

Sources (More than one clip was used from some videos, so I left them unnamed)
First Clip
Second Clip
Third Clip
Fourth Clip
Fifth Clip
Sixth Clip
Seventh Clip
Eighth Clip
Ninth Clip
Tenth Clip
Eleventh Clip
Twelveth Clip
Thirteenth Clip
Fourteenth Clip
Fifteenth Clip
Sixteenth Clip
Seventeenth Clip
Eighteenth Clip
Nineteenth Clip
Twentieth Clip
Twenty-First Clip

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