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Friday, October 1, 2010

Blog Post 3: Remix Proposal

Art comes from thoughts and strong feelings in the artist. This is why I want to create artworks that reflect something I am passionate about. For my remix project, I will be combining images and videos to create works that tell a story. The story of how manmade objects are destroying the beauty of nature around us. I want to show people the effects of logging, oil spills, industrial buildings and smoke, development of houses over farmland and forests, landfills, and oh so much more. I want people to be aware of what is going on around the world. What is happening to the animals, the trees, and the farms that grow our food.

To show these concepts, my first image will reflect how unaware human beings are. I will contrast images of farmland with that of development. In the farm picture, the farmer will be harvesting the development picture, a woman will be surrounded by houses, and holding food (crops that will soon diminish if development keeps happening).

In my second image there is going to be a kid on a computer in a home setting, and on the computer screen will be a landfill. The exact computer he is on will be a focal point on a pile of rubbish in the landfill. There will also be a beaver climbing amongst the rubbish (to represent his home lost, and now making a new one out of garbage)

For my video, I will have a bunch of clips that mesh together to show logging, oil spills, smoke, acid rain, and more. Not only will they just show manmade disasters but they will show how it effects the environment, with several clips of nature mixed in.

There is one artist that inspired me to focus on nature for my remix project. His name is Koen Demuynck. He is a Belgian Photographer who expresses human impact on the environment. Here are some of his works:

In this one he replaces the tree with a human head, to show the significance of a living tree, and how it would feel to a human.

 In this artwork, he shows the logs the workers are cutting down as pencils.

In this image, he shows London (Big Ben), but without the city. Perhaps what it looked like before development.

I will use Koen's artworks as inspiration when creating my remix project. Look back soon for the final product.

Koen Demuynck's website:

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