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Friday, October 8, 2010

Blog Post 4: Assessment of an Artwork at Nuit Blanche

One of the artworks at Nuit Blanche that I was very interested in was Brad Blucher & Kyle Clements Take a Picture. They set up blank canvases on the walls of a formal room; which is a traditional way of showing artwork. It was very interesting when I found out that there was a hidden image behind each canvas. When you take a picture, with your phone or camera, you see a black light image on each canvas; which were visible in the darkness of the room. There were images of smiley faces, a peace sign, wine, cheese, and more. It wasn't so much what was on the canvas, as the designs were very simplistic, but it was the technique and idea behind it that made it very interesting. It was clever to use this new art form, paired with the traditional way of showing it.These artworks also seemed to comment on how we are obsessed with taking pictures, instead of thinking about what we are looking at for more than a minute. Many people take pictures to share and show friends and family, without actually thinking about the environment and artwork itself.

This new media artwork made Brad Blucher & Kyle Clements gallery one of the best.

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