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Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog Post 5: Discussion of Lawrence Lessig's Free Culture: Chapter One

Lawrence Lessig discusses remixing, and how Walt Disney, and Japanese artists have borrowed works from culture to create something new and exciting for the world. He ponders whether borrowing parts of works or ideas is really hurting anyone, or if it is creating something enjoyable to the outside world? For example, he talks about 'doujinshi'; where manga artists create a new manga based on one that is already published and existing. In copyright laws, this is completely illegal, but no one in Japan is doing anything about it because it is so popular, for one, and because there is not enough lawyers to fight against this 'stealing'. Is it a good thing that there are not enough lawyers to bring down the popular 'doujinshi'? Shouldn't everyone be able to use their creativity to create new ideas on existing ones? Artists should be happy that their works are being celebrated and used in our culture. They are an inspiration to the world, and people want to show them this by using their materials creatively.

I think all individuals should be allowed to remix existing works, like Walt Disney has done. It is evident throughout culture that Walt Disney's reflections on historical pieces are popular, because they are recreated in an interesting way. He creates a happy medium with cartoons to make light of serious historical times. People love new and exciting ideas that mash up something that they have seen or heard before.

As long as we are not stealing artworks, but rather taking parts of them to create something new, everyone should be allowed to make use of this free culture. It is art, and art should be enjoyed by all if used in a friendly manner.

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