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Monday, January 17, 2011

Response to: Bodies In Code by Mark Hansen

Mark Hansen's article talks about the body and how it relates to technology. He explains how it is unlike any other game or experience. Instead of using a controller, or clicking a mouse, the body is the controller of the digital environment. It is the use of the body that will connect the person to the virtual world of the game, not other aspects of it, like the graphics. He gives us an example of the TRACES program by Simon Penny. It is similar to an XBOX kinect, but without the environment background of the game. It focuses solely on the body so that the user can connect with their own senses.

I think that a the body is sometimes abused by many today. People see it as merely a shell, or distinction between others. My relationship to my body is one of complication. I love that I can use my body to go horse back riding, go for a run, stretch, swim, etc. The problem is that I do not always get to enjoy the activities that my body can offer. Instead I sit in front of a computer doing homework or watching T.V. I think that a new technology that uses the body could be a fresh new way to connect with yourself, and your outer-being. The new Xbox Kinect-which seems to be a new approach to TRACES- gives many the chance to use their whole body for exercise and fun. My whole family loves to run through obstacle courses, practice dancing, learn kick-boxing, and many other activities right at home. The use of a sensor technology to capture movements is quite innovative, and I think will capture the eyes of many age groups interested in gaming and exercise. The body schema can disclose a whole new world with the user in power.

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