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Monday, January 17, 2011

Embodiment Proposal

I want to explore new technologies and innovations that are popular amongst populations today. There has been a demand for interactive devices that either provide simplicity, get work done, or are for fun. My aim, being that of the latter. With new gaming systems coming out frequently in todays age, I want to come up with something new and exciting that will catch the eyes of everyone and anyone.

My idea incorporates existing ideas, and puts them into a new form. The result will be a video game that interacts with the body, and the mind. It starts out with a small room, of approximately 9 by 9' feet. Of course this would be appropriate for arcades, or larger facilities. Inside of the room is three screens, one on each wall (of course excluding the wall with the opening/door). The screens surround you to give you a 3D experience. On top of the screens are 3 sensors, to capture more movement. There is also a sensor on the floor, to allow the person to walk around, stomp, jump, or sit down in the game.

When you think about it, this is much like the Xbox Kinect; which interacts with the body. The difference from the Kinect and my innovation, is that there is better sensory, it feels like your in a virtual world instead of just being portrayed in one, and gives one the ability to do more in the game (walk further, sit down, etc). Another difference is that my game includes a helmet design that has neurosensors. The neurosensors read your thoughts and relay them to the screens. You can create a virtual world that never existed outside of your imagination. Your vision shows up on the screens, and you can explore your world with the sensors that pick up your movements. For example, you can think up your own horror world with zombies, and walk around the haunted streets battling the ferocious creatures that you made up. You feel like you are in the game, because of your movements, thoughts, and large screens. This game will not be the faint of heart, as it will appeal to emotions. Many will find this invorgorating. For example, if you think up something that is scary to you (for example, giant spiders chasing you), you may have feelings of fear because it feels like spiders are right beside you.

There is also an interactive invention that is in the works right now called 'brain interfaces'. These brain interfaces also have neurosensors that take peoples thoughts and control the game. The problem is, these controls have limitations. You can only think through navigation, and small movements. In my device, you can think up your own world and video game! Not use thoughts to play an existing game. What fun is there in that?

I think many people will enjoy my device, and I can't wait to work on it, figure out its qwirks, and design it. I'll keep you up to date. Hopefully I will upload a sketch of some ideas on the device design for you soon.

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