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Monday, September 13, 2010

First Small Remix Project

What is a remix? A remix is when you modify a peice of media by altering it in some way. In this case, I am altering one image by introducing seperate pictures. I will make it seem as though these pictures were meant to be in the main image, by mixing (through photoshop tools) the many pictures together.

In this particular remix, we were asked to create a photo that defines us as a person. For my remix, I wanted to include images that create or have created who I am. I used a kitchen as my background image, because that is where I spend most of my days. I love to bake and feel useful, and being in the kitchen makes me feel at home. The images I included in the kitchen were seperate objects that create me or that I love. The images I added to this photo were an apple, car keys, a horse picture in a frame, a cake, a camera, and an orange tabby cat.
The reasons for my choices are as follows:
The apple represents my goals to become a teacher.
The car keys are there to show my love for driving and going on adventures.
A horse picture in a frame is there to show how much I love nature, and horses in particular. The frame was added around it to show that I have an appreciation for art.
There is a cake on the counter to show my hobby of cake decorating and baking.
The camera was added to represent my love for photographing life.
Lastly, the orange tabby cat is there to represent my loving relationship with pets, and my cat Max.

Here is the final product:
For larger image, please click here

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