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Monday, September 20, 2010

Blog Post 2: Discussing Article

In this blog entry I will be discussing an article called The Web is Dead. Long Live the Internet that is found here:
This article talks about how the generation of the 18 year old web has grown old, as people move on to faster, easier, and more flashy new objects of interest. Objects such as apps, RSS feeds, online gaming and movie services (xbox live and netflix), and IM conversations (such as skype and msn), which are more appealing to people today than the web could ever be.
In my opinion, I am shocked to see that the whole web generation that I grew up getting to know, has gone as quickly as it arrived. I for one can and cannot vouch for the rising of the internet. In some cases, I put my foot down to the fast approaching technologies that have sucked everyone else in. With the arrival of Xbox live, twitter, iPads and apps, and other new technologies that I may not even be aware of, I find myself losing faith in humanity, and what it has come to now. There was a point in time, where I was interested in the new flashy internet services and products, but after a while I grew tired of chasing down whats 'hip' and 'now', because who a few years there will be something even better out. I will admit that I enjoy instant messaging on my MSN, and going on facebook now and again, but that is where I draw the line. I hate the fact that everything can come right to your fingertips (ie. services on your phone, ipod and ipad, xbox live). I'd rather wait until I get home to go onto the web, than get my facebook updates on my cell phone. I feel that there is a sense of chaos when anything is accessible from your fingertips. Too much hustle and bustle to find out the latest news, updates, hypes, and information. People need to take a deep breath and realise what is going on here.

The information-based web age is quickly dying to provide for a simple and easy internet age. We aren't machines, so why follow? We need to stop letting commercialism take control of our brains, and bring back html and the web.

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