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Monday, September 13, 2010

Blog Post 1: An Inspiring Artist

The artist that inspires me is not so much favourited because of his name (like Monet or Salvador Dali) but because of his moving photographs. His name is Roberto Dutesco, and he has a passion for capturing the natural beauty of the world. In his gallery, you will find abstract photos of purely natural elements, from flowers, sand and rocks, to the wild horses of sable island. His abstract photos allow you to see the world from a different view. I love this about Roberto. He allows me to observe a palm tree as more than just an object. The palm trees become textured, flowing, and twisted to be seen as a natural gift of the world. My favourite gallery and works of this photographer are the ones of wild horses. He observes the horses from a distance, without disturbing their natural surroundings, and is able to capture their beauty flawlessly. Some of the elements of his wild horse photographs show a sense of age, curiousity, dominance, love, respect, and new life. These works all inspire me to have more respect for the nature around us and all that we have been given. He makes me want to cherish every moment of my life, and to capture the beauty that passes me by. You will notice that some of my works will reflect themes from this artist in the future.

To see Roberto Dutesco's amazing gallery, please visit his website:

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