Blog Welcomes

Welcome to my Digital Media class blog. Here you will find assignments, thoughts, and weekly blog posts related to my class. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Network Project

Hi everyone! So today my Network Project is due! I worked on it last class, and have been able to get a lot more done with it. I wish I could have had more time to make it perfect, and add in some more cool pages, but I did as much as I could, and worked really hard to get what I have produced. So to no further adieu,

VOILA! C'est ca:  Click to see my WEBSITE  !!

I hope you enjoy it, and remember to visit the link to the actual Deviantart, which is posted at the bottom of my website. :)

P.s: Notice the horse favicon, as you browse the site...thought you might like that.

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