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Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Network Project:Description

My network project is a website that plays with the design of another site that already exists. I worked with one of my favourite websites, Deviantart. Deviantart is an art community where people can upload and share their art. It inspires and helps people develop their artistic skills. The design of their site isn't anything extraordinary; however, it is the concept of community and culture and inspiration that intruiges me. This is why I have chosen Deviantart to inspire my website.

So far my website is almost a mirror image of Deviantart (It is Jupiterart!), with a home page that has images, a description, and links to various sites. Many of the normal Deviantart buttons have been changed so that they link to outside sources (ie. facebook, notepad, journals, etc), instead of Deviantart pages. If you click on 'digital art' or 'traditional art' you will be linked to many of my other pages that have more images, and you can access even more web pages from there('fantasy','horror', etc). My website is a web of various links, just like the world wide web itself. Just like I have used deviantart to inspire my site, I am allowing others to be inspired by mine. They can be inspired by the culure driven websites that my site links to, or even get inspired by the images and information that my site offers.

I have done quite a bit of my website, but it still needs a lot of work before I can get it just right. To take a peek at it so far click here .

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