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Monday, February 28, 2011

MurMur Experience Downtown

Usually I do not venture downtown because I like to avoid the crowds of people walking amongst the sidewalks. Today, after class, however, I took the bus downtown to check out a MurMur checkpoint. I wasn't sure which one to go to, so I chose the location I am most familiar with. I thought it would be interesting to go to a neighbour I am used to, and learn something I didn't know about it. I headed down to Spadina and Queen Street, one of my favourite areas to shop because of China town and the small boutiques. I knew there were a few MurMur checkpoints in the area, so I ventured around to find one in front of a building I thought was neat. I came across the Horshoe Tavern (on Queen Street W). I picked this one to listen to because the place looked very small on the outside, and sounded like a neat western style bar/grill place-or so that is what I picked up from the outside. I called in the number (194592), and listened to two people speak. It was neat to listen to the audio of the building because it gave me a new perpective that I would not have had from just seeing the place. Apparently, this small western like tavern is big on rock music. They have many music nights and very interesting bands that come in to play. They said that they have even had Billy Talent, The Rolling Stones, and The Police play there in the past 50 years. I never would have known this by looking at the outside of the building. I just thought that it was some small  off-the-beaten-path restaurant that would not get much business. A very interesting experience in all.

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